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Rented a Dozer from the Rental guys and was charged an extra 2,072.00 without my knowledge or consent. The equipment sat on my property in the rain for two weeks while i waited for them to have an available driver pick it up. a few days after they picked it up my card was charged an additional 2,072.00. I told the store manager ( Jeremy ) that if i had known they where going to charge me that amount that i would of kept the dozer for two more weeks as what they charged me was only 850 dollar difference for a monthly rental. he told me that when i was ready to rent again he would only charge me the 850 dollars for two more weeks of rental. I called last week to have it rented for two weeks and he sent me a quote for 5,600.00 dollars. After asking him to please honor the deal he made me he said the best deal he could do was 4,800 for a skidsteer, which is actually more then there advertised price. Not a man of his word or a smart business move.

Michael bobillot Avatar Michael bobillot
May 8, 2024

Flawless experience! Thanks guys

Joe Rea Avatar Joe Rea
September 16, 2023

Knowledgeable and courteous, I will use the Yreka Rental Guy’s again.

Drake Davis Avatar Drake Davis
September 16, 2023

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